What are problems you face in web development?

I'm currently working on a post about lessons I've learned in web development, and I'm looking to gather information from other developers or designers.

What are problems you face or have faced in your journey to become the best you can be? Comment them below so I can make my content the best it can be.

Josh Ternyak

posted to Icon for group Growth
on May 5, 2020
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    I've been doing web dev for more than 4 years now, and I'd say the thing that always bothered me was choosing what to learn. There just too many great things to choose from. Front end or back end? Python or Node? React or Jquery? Too overwhelming, If i started web development knowing what i wanted to do, Things would have been very different.

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    I am a UX designer with some coding skills. I am not focused on web development, but I am very interested in it and sometimes I want to develop projects myself.

    For me it was always difficult to find out what is a good, up-to-date stack to solve this kind of problem. I also found and still find it difficult to figure out common approaches. For example, how do I build a database for this problem? What are solutions with little effort that still solve my problem (e.g. Authentification).

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    I definitely agree with TheSlackerHacker that choosing what to learn is difficult. For me, I use a project-based strategy. Basically, I start out with a project idea in mind, then learn what I need to build it. Choosing the right tool wasn't easy. For my first project I jumped between several, building, tearing down, and rebuilding, before finally choosing one. Things would've been a lot easier if I'd had some guidance from the beginning. Like, "here's what you should use if you want to build x-y-z".

    I also wish I'd known earlier that "done is better than perfect". (Example: My first project, which still isn't finished. I've completed others with this mindset, though.)

    In addition, I felt the self-learning curve was steep after finishing basic HTML/CSS/JavaScript, since I jumped into project-based mode then. (I hate watching tutorials - I'd rather read documentation - so maybe this isn't a problem for most ppl.)
    There were also some things I used but couldn't explain, like () => {}. It freaked me out that I probably couldn't answer interview questions about the syntax I used every day.

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    Hey Josh! These ones come to mind when I think about this:

    1. Not wanting to continue a project if I don't see a great future
    2. Getting bored (at first) when learning a new skill (even though it won't be boring at the end)
    3. Getting lots feedback
    4. Site optimization (speed of it)
    5. Learning more advanced SEO
    6. I may not know of some great and very important resources (websites, apps, tools, etc.) out there
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      thanks! I'll be sure to add them to my post!

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    This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

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