Why isn't Bing indexing my web site? I don't understand why 🙄

Hey guys,

Google and Yandex index https://www.monitup.com but Bing does not.

I tried many different things but couldn’t understand the problem. I think it’s from a setting in Cloudflare.

I’m trying a very simple web page, it can’t even index it.

Do you have any suggestions?

posted to Icon for group Developers
on March 13, 2023
  1. 1

    Bing generally takes longer than other search engines like Google to index a site, even after submitting a sitemap. What you do to speed up the indexing process on Bing?

    1. 1

      I submitted the sitemap for Bing a long time ago. However, it did not index even a single page of mine. It does not give any information about why it is not indexing. It
      made some very general statements, but it is almost impossible to understand why.

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