Hello dark theme freak!
I’ve already checked our beloved curator Landingfolio, One page love and Lapa.
Curious to know your favorite dark theme website. Feels like my next side project will be good to apply a dark theme.
This one is pretty nice: (have to toggle to the dark theme)
Amazing suggestion @Gabe like the sound effect too!
Another one with a toggle (and system detection) is (ex Zeit)
Awesome! It's a good one @wikichaves - like the strong color contrast!
Hey, @felix12777 ... somewhat unrelated, but if you haven't used DarkReader it's great. Works surprisingly well - if you do use it, set up a shortcut so you can easily turn it off on sites where it doesn't help.
Thanks @marclar - how's your experience so far?
It's almost perfect - some sites look bad but it's pretty rare