I'm looking to launch my course No-Code MVP (nocodemvp.com) in Q4 and just passed 2500+ pre-launch subscribers. I started building my list at the end of 2017 (featured on BetaList). Shortly after that, I became a father and decided to be a stay-at-home dad because my GF has a very busy job. Did that for a year, and 6 months ago I picked up all the work for this course again as my kid is going to daycare 3 days a week :) Creating the content and videos is a lot of work but I'm really looking forward to put it out there!
Next to BetaList I've built my list through Reddit, Twitter and Linkedin posts. My next goal is to finish all of the content (6 out of 8 chapters are finished) and then put my launch plan into motion. When it's time I'll definitely do a write up here!